Invertebrates are the animals that lack a back bone. They are very diverse, and include species as different as the Banana Slug, the Green Sea Urchin, sea sponges and the Common House Spider. They are found absolutely everywhere in Canada, from coast to coast to coast, whether in aquatic ecosystems, in the dry Plains or in the Arctic Tundra. About 97% of the species found on Earth are invertebrates, and 85% are Arthropods, a group that includes crustaceans, spiders and insects amongst others.
Approximately 35 000 species of insects have been documented in Canada. So it should come as no surprise that they play a huge role in helping our ecosystem and environment remain healthy.
Consider, for a minute, all the benefits that insects provide:
Birds, fish, and frogs all depend on insects as an invaluable source of food. We humans depend on insects for our honey, beeswax, and silk. Our food crops, flowers, and plants couldn’t flourish without the pollen of nature’s intrepid insects. Insects are also important predators of pests that can destroy our gardens. Plus, our tiny friends also play a critical role in the recycling of materials, eliminating waste, and keeping our soils healthy.
This section will tell you everything you could ever want to know (if not more) about a few of the not-so-creepy critters that call Canada home.