
Brand new videos!
Have a look at what we’ve been working on!

Check out our new fact sheet!
Discover the Mixed Woods Forest!

New fact sheet!
We have a new fact sheet on the Northern Leopard Frog!

HWW releases a new series of videos on the chorus frogs!
These remarkably loud small critters can be heard near or far in early spring!

Nevermore will the Raven be misunderstood!
Find out more about this not-so-spooky bird with our new videos!

HWW’s Wild Costume Contest!
Participate in our costume contest this Halloween!

HWW Features Two Iconic Rocky Mountains Species!
Discover the elusive Canada Lynx and the impressive Grizzly with the help of our new videos!

Celebrate 100 years of conserving our migratory birds!
In 2016, Environment and Climate Change Canada is celebrating the Centennial of the Migratory Birds Convention!

HWW launches a new series of videos on the North American Lobster!
The North American Lobster may be an item on a fancy menu, it is, above all, an important wildlife species to our Atlantic coast’s ecology. On this World Oceans Day, Hinterland Who’s Who, with the help of its new series of videos, wants you to discover this fascinating animal! Dive in!

HWW celebrates NWW with new videos about the Atlantic Puffin!
It’s National Wildlife Week! Join in the celebrations by learning more about the amazing Atlantic Puffin! Watch the latest HWW videos on this iconic seabird, and read up on their fascinating life with our reviewed fact sheet!

New HWW webisode discovers biodiversity!
This entertaining vignette illustrates the variety and interdependency of Canada’s threatened wildlife, complementing the UN’s declaration of 2010 as International Year of Biodiversity.

Spring is here!
Are you curious about the wildlife that may be returning to your neighbourhood as the weather warms?

Woodrow the HWW Beaver cleared his calendar for the Olympics!
You might recognize Woodrow the Beaver from the newest Hinterland Who’s Who “Discover Biodiversity” webisode.

HWW gets an update!
There’s a lot to be said for the romanticism of a typewritten note.

Want more nature in your life?
Do you work in an office with a waiting room? Or maybe you spend a lot of time at the ice rink, or on a train, or up in the air?

HWW filming on the West Coast!
Hinterland Who’s Who is filming three new videos in British Columbia this month!

Discover Canada’s Rainforest!
HWW is proud to present it’s new PSA about the coastal temperate rainforest!

Call for nominations!
Each year, countless Canadians demonstrate their commitment to wildlife conservation through active involvement.

Building greener homes
The Government of Canada is researching ways to reduce the negative environmental impact of building construction.