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Conserve Water Quality

No matter where on Earth you live, you’re in a watershed. On a larger scale, you’re in a drainage basin too. If your home is within 60 kilometres of the ocean, you’re in a coastal zone as well. Whatever happens to water in your area will affect aquatic ecosystems further downstream in your watershed and within your coastal zone.


Protect Coastal Zones and Watersheds

How healthy is your watershed?  Here’s how to find out — and to take action if the situation needs improving.

Dare to compare:Compare ideas and share information with another community in your watershed or coastal zone.

Stamp out debris: Find out if your community has the means to deal with trash in aquatic areas. Organize a beach, stream, or wetland cleanup, or adopt a watery ecosystem near you and spruce it up from time to time.

Pollution solution: Inspect your home, workplace, or school for sources of pollution. Are there many throwaway products in use that could pollute aquatic ecosystems? How many are consumed weekly, monthly, or yearly?

On a larger scale: Inspect a local sewage treatment plant. Find out what pollution controls are in place by interviewing a responsible official. Here are some questions you might like to ask:


Test the Waters

You can learn a lot about the health of your watershed with the help of a standard water quality testing kit.


Water-testing Tips

Measuring conditions in the environment is often a challenge. Any environment, such as a beach or lake, includes many different parts, so it’s difficult to take measurements of it. To deal with this challenge, scientists take samples in a way that provides findings that are representative of an entire test site. In other words, they want their measurements to reflect actual values as closely as possible. Here are some sampling basics: