My name is Kim and I enjoy cruising your site. I have my own story to share and it goes back to when we had our cottage at Falcon Lake in the Whiteshell region of Manitoba. I volunteered for some time with the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey and it gave me an opportunity to watch these beautiful birds. But I soon noticed something was terribly wrong. I was seeing far to much disruptive behavior from humans, like going to close to the birds when they had babies and one year the nest got swamped all three times that they tried to nest that summer! That was heartbreaking as 1998 was the first year we didn’t have babies on the lake. I learned so much about the birds durring my years on the survey. Watching and learning how they comunicate, seeing the little ones grow up and grieving when the male i’d known since i was young finaly passed on back in 2003. I encourage people to watch these beautiful birds but to respect them and let them raise their young in peace so that there will always be loons on Canada’s Lakes for a long time to come!