Hi, My girlfriend and I were snowshoeing in Feb.08 in Algonquin park, in Ontario,on 11km hike. We came to the shore of the little lake, and a movement across the lake caught my eye. I looked but all I could see was what looked to me like just another tree stump in the snow. I took my camera and zoomed it to max and took a pic. I looked at the pick and had to zoom the pic up to max as well, I could make out that it was a animal,so I started to snowshoe across the lake. Getting closer I took some more shots, then got closer still, about 30ft.That’s when I could really see what it was, although at the time, I didn’t know what it was, I thought a mink or a weasel. I still remember thinking how cute he was. Here are a few of the shots of the marten. hope you enjoy them