No matter where you live in Canada, wildlife is close by. You don’t need special skills or equipment to enjoy nature. You just need to be ready to have fun. At home, in your community, with your friends and family time in outdoors is never wasted. So, Get Out! And experience nature and see wildlife.
Browse through these different activities that will let you enjoy nature and help wildlife, no matter what the season:
- Grow Seedlings of Hope
- Build an Amphibian Pond
- Attracting Birds to Your Backyard
- Create a Mini-woodland
- Create Shelter for Songbirds
- Keep the Waterfowl Comeback on Track
- Hummingbird Feeder
- Build an Amphibian Pond
- Attracting Birds to Your Backyard
- Give Wildlife an Edge
- Grow a Greenway
- Half-barrel Pond
- Plant a Pollinator Patch
- Put up Nesting Shelves
- A New Lease on Leaves
- Construct and Maintain Nesting Boxes
- Create Microhabitats
- Good Luck, Wood Duck
- Build a Bat House
- Plant a Patch of Prairie Grass